I'm a Novice :: What's Next?

So you've tried surfing before, maybe taken a lesson or two, gave it a go in the ocean, or have never been out at all. No sweat; we can help you get out there.

If you've never tried surfing but want to, the best way to do so is by taking a lesson. The hand's-on instruction you'll get will be well worth the money and save you a lot of time learning things on your own. Trust us, it's worth it. Get more info and book with us HERE.

Say you've taken a lesson before, or have a little experience somewhere else, and now you just want to hook up with some like-minded people to get out there. It's more fun that way, any ways. In our little fish bowl on the south end of lake Michigan, there is no distinct group of novice surfers that coordinate meeting up to surf, however, there is a large group of people who show up to surf at some of our local beaches when the waves are up, and most of them are novice surfers! So, you’ll fit right in. The challenge is knowing when the surf is up but we have a few ways to help with that...

- Follow us on Instagram and Facebook as we regularly post updates about upcoming surf, and on days with surf.

- Check out the resources we have on our website, including our lake surfing 101 page with info on learning how to find waves and the tools/links to help start to learn. Also, we update our surf forecast page twice a week on Sunday and Wednesday nights. Our forecaster is a local surfer and meteorologist we call “Dr. Fresh”.

- Call us any time for an update on when there might be waves: 269-932-4575.

- Go surfing when there are waves and meet some people in the water. We have a super friendly crew surfing in these parts; meeting people, and exchanging contact info, is an easy way to stay in the loop.

There are a lot of surfers in the Great Lakes, and a lot of surfers near our shops in St. Joseph and New Buffalo. Take advantage of these resources and you'll become a local in no time. Cheers!